// $Id: jquery_countdown.js,v 2009/09/08 18:22:27 robloach Exp $ /** * jQuery Countdown Drupal behavior. */ Drupal.behaviors.jquery_countdown = function(context) { // Only process if the settings exist. if (Drupal.settings.jquery_countdown) { // Loop through all the jQuery Countdown settings. jQuery.each(Drupal.settings.jquery_countdown, function(countdown, options) { // Process the date properties if available. if (typeof (options.until) != "undefined") { options.until = Drupal.jQueryCountdownProcessDate(options.until); } if (typeof (options.since) != "undefined") { options.since = Drupal.jQueryCountdownProcessDate(options.since); } // Evaluate the callbacks as function names. if (typeof (options.onExpiry) == "string") { options.onExpiry = eval(options.onExpiry); } if (typeof (options.onTick) == "string") { options.onTick = eval(options.onTick); } // Create the countdown element on non-processed elements. $(countdown + ':not(.jquery-countdown-processed)', context).addClass('jquery-countdown-processed').countdown(options); }); } }; /** * Process date values for the jQuery Countdown plugin, based on the date type. */ Drupal.jQueryCountdownProcessDate = function(dateVal) { if (typeof (dateVal) == "string") { // Create the Date using the string. return new Date(dateVal); } else if (typeof (dateVal) == "number") { // Return the number of seconds. return dateVal; } else if (dateVal instanceof Array || dateVal instanceof Object) { // Create the Date object from available values, avoiding passing invalid // objects. var date = new Date(); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { dateVal[i] = dateVal[i] || 0; } date.setFullYear(dateVal[0]); date.setMonth(dateVal[1]); date.setDate(dateVal[2]); date.setHours(dateVal[3]); date.setMinutes(dateVal[4]); date.setSeconds(dateVal[5]); return date; } return dateVal; };